This article contains the list of Scheduled Castes in Maharashtra and the population of each Scheduled Caste as per the 2011 census.
According to the 2011 census, the population of Scheduled Castes in Maharashtra is 1,32,75,898 which is 11.81% of the population of the state. Maharashtra has 6.6% of India’s total 20.14 crore Scheduled Castes. Scheduled caste population in India is 20,13,78,086 or 16.6% (as per 2011 census).
SC Caste List in Maharashtra
List of Scheduled Castes
The table has 59 castes or communities designated as Schedule Caste in Maharashtra as of their population as per 2011 Census.
(Mobile users should hold the mobile horizontally or view the table from desktop view to see the table below better.)
No. | Scheduled Caste (SC) | Population |
1 | Ager | 896 |
2 | Anamuk | 68 |
3 | Aray Mala | 350 |
4 | Arwa Mala | 503 |
5 | Bahna, Bahana | 210 |
6 | Bakad, Bant | 1,649 |
7 | Balahi, Balai | 16,957 |
8 | Basor, Burud, Bansor, Bansodi, Basod | 55,564 |
9 | Beda Jangam, Budga Jangam | 27,168 |
10 | Bedar | 14,029 |
11 | Bhambi, Bhambhi, Asadaru, Asodi, Chamadia, Chamar, Chamari, Chambhar, Chamgar, Haralayya, Harali, Khalpa, Machigar, Mochigar, Madar, Madig, Mochi, Telegu Mochi, Kamati Mochi, Ranigar, Rohidas, Nona, Ramnami, Rohit, Samgar, Samagara, Satnami, Surjyabanshi, Surjyaramnami, Charmakar, Pardeshi Chamar | 14,11,072 |
12 | Bhangi, Mehtar, Olgana, Rukhi, Malkana, Halalkhor, Lalbegi, Balmiki, Korar, Zadmalli, Hela | 2,17,166 |
13 | Bindla | 625 |
14 | Byagara | 379 |
15 | Chalvadi, Channayya | 3,309 |
16 | Chenna Dasar, Holaya Dasar, Holeya Dasari | 608 |
17 | Dakkal, Dokkalwar | 950 |
18 | Dhor, Kakkayya, Kankayya, Dohor | 1,16,287 |
19 | Dom, Dumar | 3,690 |
20 | Ellamalvar, Yellammalawandlu | 3,306 |
21 | Ganda, Gandi | 585 |
22 | Garoda, Garo | 601 |
23 | Ghasi, Ghasia | 1,989 |
24 | Halleer | 102 |
25 | Halsar, Haslar, Hulasvar, Halasvar | 148 |
26 | Holar, Valhar | 1,08,908 |
27 | Holaya, Holer, Holeya, Holiya | 18,263 |
28 | Kaikadi (in Akola, Amravati, Bhandara, Buldana, Nagpur, Wardha and Yavatmal districts and Chandrapur district, other than Rajura tahsil) | 5,599 |
29 | Katia, Patharia | 5,207 |
30 | Khangar, Kanera, Mirdha | 2,020 |
31 | Khatik, Chikwa, Chikvi | 1,08,491 |
32 | Kolupulvandlu | 33 |
33 | Kori | 16,018 |
34 | Lingader | 5,298 |
35 | Madgi | 56,481 |
36 | Madiga | 15,318 |
37 | Mahar, Mehra, Taral, Dhegu Megu | 80,06,060 |
38 | Mahyavanshi, Dhed, Vankar, Maru Vankar | 14,939 |
39 | Mala | 15,266 |
40 | Mala Dasari | 1,789 |
41 | Mala Hannai | 27 |
42 | Mala Jangam | 8,491 |
43 | Mala Masti | 17 |
44 | Mala Sale, Netkani | 269 |
45 | Mala Sanyasi | 46 |
46 | Mang, Matang, Minimadig, Dankhni Mang, Mang Mahashi, Madari, Garudi, Radhe Mang | 24,88,531 |
47 | Mang Garodi, Mang Garudi | 39,993 |
48 | Manne | 2,542 |
49 | Mashti | 69 |
50 | Meghval, Menghvar | 40,416 |
51 | Mitha Ayyalvar | 38 |
52 | Mukri | 54 |
53 | Nadia, Hadi | 333 |
54 | Pasi | 24,664 |
55 | Sansi | 491 |
56 | Shenva, Chenva, Sedma, Ravat | 1,326 |
57 | Sindhollu, Chindollu | 1,002 |
58 | Tirgar, Tirbanda | 80 |
59 | Turi | 490 |
According to the 2011 census, the state of Maharashtra has a population of 11,23,74,333 out of which the Scheduled Castes population is 1,32,75,898 (11.81%). The national census was not conducted in 2021, so the 2011 census is the latest census.
Classification of SC castes by Population
Out of 59 Scheduled Castes, 25 are those whose population is less than 1,000, while there are 9 Scheduled Castes with a population of more than 1,00,000.
- 1 to 100 population – 9 castes
- 101 to 1,000 population – 16 castes
- 1,001 to 10,000 population – 14 castes
- 10,001 to 50,000 population – 11 castes
- 50,001 to 1,00,000 population – 2 castes
- 1,00,001 to 5,00,000 population – 4 castes
- 5,00,001 to 25,00,000 population – 2 castes
- More than 80,00,000 population – 1 caste
10 most populous Scheduled Castes
As per 2011 census, the 10 most populous Scheduled Castes [caste-cluster] in Maharashtra are as follows:
- Mahar – 80,06,060 (60.31%)
- Mang – 24,88,531 (18.74%)
- Chambhar – 14,11,072 (10.63%)
- Bhangi – 2,17,166 (1.64%)
- Dhor – 1,16,287 (0.88%)
- Holar – 1,08,908 (0.82%)
- Khatik – 1,08,491 (0.82%)
- Madagi – 56,481 (0.43%)
- Basor – 55,564 (0.42%)
- Menghwal – 40,416 (0.03%)
The three SC caste groups Mahar, Mang and Chambhar account for 90 percent of the total Scheduled Caste population. While the remaining 56 scheduled castes constitute 10 percent of the population.
According to the previous census i.e. 2001, four major communities in the Scheduled Castes namely Mahar (57.5%), Mang (20.3%), Chambhar (12.5%) and Bhangi (1.9%) constituted 92% of the population. Between 2001 and 2011, the proportion of Mahars among Scheduled Castes has increased (57.50 percent to 60.31 percent). On the other hand, it is seen that the quantity of Mang, Chambhar and Bhangi has decreased.
According to the 2011 census, Latur district has the highest proportion of Scheduled Castes (19.4%). Pune district has the largest population (11.81 lakhs) of scheduled castes.
- Also Read : What is the Mahar population in Maharashtra?
Reservation for SCs
In Maharashtra, there is a total of 62 percent reservation for socially, educationally and economically backward sections in educational institutions and government jobs. Out of this, 13 percent reservation is for Scheduled Castes.
Religions of SCs
Legally, a Scheduled Caste person can only be Hindu, Buddhist or Sikh by religion, not any other than these three. Therefore, in 59 scheduled castes, the population of each caste is divided into three religions namely Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism.
Schedule Caste by Religion in Maharashtra (2011 census)
- SC Hindus : 80,60,130 (60.71%)
- SC Buddhists : 52,04,284 (39.20%)
- SC Sikhs : 11,484 (0.09%)
The population of Mahars is 80,06,060, of which 49,43,821 are Buddhists; 30,54,158 are Hindus and 8,081 are Sikhs.
Many Mahars, Mangs as well as other SCs recorded their religion as Christianity (or Islam) in the census, so the government did not count them in the Scheduled Caste population.
Some facts related to SCs
According to the 2011 census, the three districts with the largest population of Scheduled Castes are as follows :
- Pune District (11.81 lakhs/ 8.89%)
- Nagpur District (8.68 lakhs/ 6.34%)
- Solapur District (6.5 Lakhs/ 4.89%)
The three districts with the lowest population of Scheduled Castes are as follows:
- Nandurbar District (47,985)
- Sindhudurg District (55,586)
- Ratnagiri District (66,948)
According to the administrative division, Pune division has the highest population of scheduled castes (11.80 lakh).
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