Obituary by PM Nehru on demise of Dr. Ambedkar

Mahaparinirvan Din : This is the obituary in the Rajya Sabha by PM Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India on demise of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, on December 6, 1956. 

 यह लेख हिंदी में पढ़े 

 या लेखाला मराठीत वाचा 

Obituary in Rajya Sabha by PM Nehru on demise of Dr. Ambedkar
Obituary in Rajya Sabha by PM Nehru on demise of Dr. Ambedkarn

Salutations to a Father of Republic of India on his Mahaparinirvana Day – JAI BHIM

Mahaparinirvan Din : 6 December

We all know that on December 6, 1956, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar passed away. His death anniversary is known as ‘Mahaparinirvan Diwas’ or  ‘Mahaparinirvana Day’. On this day, crores of people pay homage to him, while millions of people go to his tomb – Chaityabhoomi and pay homage to him.

Babasaheb’s Mahaparinirvana took place at his residence in Delhi, after which his body was brought from Delhi to Mumbai and the next day, on December 7, 1956, he was cremated at Chaityabhoomi. Babasaheb’s demise was a major event in Indian history, and all over the world, paid homage to im.

After getting the news of Babasaheb’s death, MPs and ministers from Nehru’s cabinet also came to Dr Ambedkar’s residence at 26, Alipur Road. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru himself also came to pay his last respects. Babasaheb’s wife, Savita Ambedkar writes in her autobiography ‘Dr. Ambedkaranchya Sahavasaat’ that, “Nehru consoled me. He inquired very earnestly about Saheb’s age, health, illness, when and how he passed away. I gave them detailed information.”

The most powerful as well as most popular person in India at that time was Prime Minister Pandit Nehru. On December 6, 1956, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru paid homage to Babasaheb in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of Parliament. At that time, Dr. Ambedkar was also a Member of Rajya Sabha (MP), and died while an MP. The entire speech of Pandit Nehru in Rajya Sabha is available in this article.

On this Mahaparinirvan Diwas, it is important to know what one father of modern India said about another father of modern India.


Jawaharlal Nehru on Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Nirvana

Obituary in Rajya Sabha by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India on demise of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar


Mr. Deputy Chairman,

I deeply regret to inform the House that a member of this House who had played a very leading part in many matters passed away a short while ago. I refer to Dr. Ambedkar.

Dr. Ambedkar from many many years had been a very controversial figure in Indian public affairs, but there can be no doubt about his outstanding quality, his scholarship, and the intensity with which he pursued his convictions, sometimes rather with greater intensity that perhaps required by the particular subject, which sometimes reacted in a contrary way.

But he was the symbol of that intense feeling which we must always remember, the intense feeling of the suppressed classes in India who have suffered for ages past under our previous social systems, and it is as well that we recognize this burden that all of us should carry and should always remember.

It may be that some of us thought, as I have just said, that he is overdid the expression of that feeling, but I do not think that, apart from the manner of utterance or language, anybody should challenge the rightness of the intensity of his feeling in that matter which should be felt by all of us and perhaps even more so by those who have not in themselves or in their groups or classes had no suffer from that. He was that.

Therefore, he became this symbol. But we in Parliament remember him for many other things and more particularly for the very prominent part he played in the making of our Constitution and perhaps this fact will be remembered even longer than his other activities.

I am quite sure that every Member of this House will want us to send our Deep condolences and message of sympathy to his family and to express our deep sorrow at this demise.

Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India

Nehru on Ambedkar - Obituary in Lok Sabha by PM Nehru on demise of Dr Ambedkar
Obituary in Lok Sabha by PM Nehru on demise of Dr Ambedkar

Source : 

PM Nehru also paid tribute Dr. Ambedkar in the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the parliament. See here

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