Many statues of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar have been erected in the United Kingdom. One of them has been erected in Wolverhampton. This statue of Dr. Ambedkar is located in a Buddhist Vihara in Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. – Dr Ambedkar statue in UK

The statue of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar at the Buddha Vihara, Wolverhampton The Buddha Vihara Community Centre in Upper Zoar Street is named in memory of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar (1891-1956), Indian human rights activist and the father of the Indian constitution.
- Dr Ambedkar Statue in Mauritius (in Hindi)

The statue was unveiled by the Mayor of Wolverhampton Mr. Tarseim Singh on the Inauguration Of Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Community Centre on, Dhammachakra Pravartan Day, on 14 October 2000, and shows him teaching, and holding a copy of his book, “the Buddha and His Dhamma”.

This is the first open-air statue of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in the United Kingdom was installed outside the Buddha Vihara in Wolverhampton by Dr Ambedkar Memorial committee of Great Britain in the year 2000.

Members and supporters of the Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Committee of GB celebrate Ambedkar Jayanti (Ambedkar’s birthday), Vesak (Buddha’s birthday) and Dhammachakra Pravartan Day at Wolverhampton Buddha Vihara.
Read also :
- New statue plan for Wolverhampton Buddhist temple (BBC)
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- 2021 : Top 20 Famous Personalities of India by Hindi Wikipedia (in Hindi)
- Wikipedia : Top 36 famous and Influential Personalities of India (in Marathi)
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